Types of Ovarian Cysts

1) Functional Cysts
These normal cysts will often shrink and disappear within two or three menstrual cycles. Because this type of cyst is formed during ovulation it rarely occurs in menopausal women because eggs are no longer being produced.

2) Dermoid Cysts
Ovarian cysts which are filled with various types of tissues including hair and skin.

3) Endometrioma Cysts
These cysts are also known as the chocolate cysts of endometriosis and form when tissue similar to the lining of the uterus attaches to the ovaries.

4) Cystadenoma Cysts
These are ovarian cysts which develop from cells on the outer surface of the ovaries

5) Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome(PCOS)
Cysts that form from a buildup of follicle cysts which cause the ovaries to thicken. These cysts cause the ovaries to enlarge and create a thick outer covering which may prevent ovulation from occurring and are often the cause of fertility problems

6) Corpus Luteum Cysts -The corpus luteum is an ovarian gland that manufactures progesterone once an egg is released, in order to prepare the uterus for possible pregnancy. If pregnancy doesn't occur, the corpus luteum usually disappears. However, the corpus luteum may occasionally become a fluid-filled cyst, also known as corpus luteum cysts.

7) Follicular Ovarian Cyst - A fluid-filled sac in the ovary, the most common type of ovarian cyst. It results from the growth of a follicle. A follicle is the fluid-filled cyst that contains an egg. In some cycles, this follicle grows larger that normal and does not rupture to release the egg. Normally it resolves with simple observation over the course of days to months.

To Know More about How to Cure All Types of Ovarian Cysts Naturally and Holistically