1) History of previous ovarian cysts
2) Irregular menstrual cycles
3) Increased upper body fat distribution
4) Early menstruation (11 years or younger)
5) Infertility
6) Hypothyroidism or hormonal imbalance
7) Tamoxifen therapy for breast cancer
What are the Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts?
To assure your health and safety, there are some symptoms you may experience and should look for when a cyst is causing problems
Ovarian cysts often cause no symptoms; however when symptoms are present, ovarian cysts may cause a dull ache or a sense of fullness or pressure in the abdomen. Pain during intercourse and at other times can also indicate the presence of ovarian cysts.
If you have an Ovarian Cyst, Symptoms are:
1)Menstrual irregularities.
2) Pelvic pain- a constant or intermittent dull ache that may radiate to your lower back and thighs. Pelvic pain shortly before your period begins or just before it ends. Pelvic pain during intercourse
3) Nausea, vomiting or breast tenderness similar to that experienced during pregnancy
4) Fullness or heaviness in abdomen.
5) Pressure on bladder - difficulty emptying your bladder completely.
6) Sudden, severe abdominal or pelvic pain
7) Pain accompanied by fever or vomiting
8) painful sex
9) weight gain.
Keep in mind that the above symptoms of ovarian cysts are fairly generic and may also be associated with the presence of other conditions, such as endometriosis, ectopic pregnancy or pelvic inflammatory disease.
In more serious cases when the ovarian cysts are particularly harmful to your health, symptoms include:-dizziness or light-headedness,fatigue,fever,severe abdominal pain,shortness of breath and/or rapid breathing,vomiting.